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Accommodations - 3plains Client


Our adventure 90% of the time will start where the road ends, most of my hunts unless discussed beforehand will be backpack backcountry hunts. We will be carrying shelter and food on our backs, which I will supply.  Freeze-dried meals, snacks, power bars, candy, and coffee are what we will be eating mostly, we will be walking to vantage points and do a lot of glassing until we spot what we are looking for, I have as much experience on backpack hunts as just about anyone,  I am good at what I do and of coarse we will always be having fun.

The secret to success is working hard and keeping a positive attitude,  give me a call and let's talk about the tag you have and how we can make your dreams come true. If you are new to hunting I will teach you how to become a good or better hunter then you are and you will leave with the confidence that you can make it happen on your own. Get in the best shape you can and together we will have an adventure you will remember forever.

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